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EF 1 Game Types and Modes

The regular multiplayer game types are:

With the addon or version 1.2 of the game, further modes for the multiplayer were added to the base game:

  • Elimination: Players fragged are out for the rest of the round (much like Counter-Strike).
  • Specialties: Each player plays a specific class that has specific advantages and disadvantages. There are no items on the maps. The infiltrator, for example, always has Speedboots, but only the Phaser. His special ability is to transport away, once. Or the technician has an Arc Welder and a force field at his disposal. There are the following six classes:
    • Infiltrator
    • Sniper
    • Heavy weapons specialist
    • Demolitionist
    • Medic
    • Technician
  • Action Hero: The hero has a health up to a maximum of 300, which is constantly regenerated (+10 per sec.). The shield level is also up to a maximum of 300 (but is built up regularly by picking up and becomes less over time) and he has all weapons available (but not infinite ammo). He gets 1 point per frag. The others get 1 point for a normal frag. There are 5 points awarded for fragging the Action Hero.
  • Disintegration: All players start with the Phaser Compression Rifle with infinite ammo and there is only the alternate fire mode, killing instantly.
  • Assimilation: One player starts as a Borg queen whose task it is to assimilate the others (Federation). Each additional Borg can assimilate. The Borg have won when all opponents are assimilated. Federation wins when Borg Queen got fragged.

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en/games/star_trek_-_voyager_elite_force/game_types_and_modes.txt · Last modified: 2023-02-08-08-30 by 7saturn

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