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Armada 1 Romulan Starbase

Starbase provides an income of new crew and allows for expanding the supply limit. It's shield energy is considerable, but the damage output is comparable with that of a Torpedo Turret.

Statistical Values

Faction Romulan
Dilithium Cost 2000
Build Time 100 s
Crew Cost 800-1500
Supply Gain 20 (12/min)
Shield Energy 6000
Shield Restoration Rate 5/s
Weapon System 8 Starbase Pulse Cannons
Effective Damage Rate 35.6 – 42.7/s
Scanning Range 700

Production Capabilities

Item Icon Dilithium Supply Crew
Construction Ship 10/s 2.4/min 10/s
Dilithium Freigher 10/s 0 2.5/s
Officers Quarters Upgrade 10/s -24/min 0.4/s
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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/romulan_starbase.1648849311.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-01-23-41 by 7saturn

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