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Armada 1 Romulan Spy

The Romulan Spy is a special weapon of the game Star Trek: Armada. It allows to track an opponent's ship until he sends it to a yard for repair. If used on a station of any kind (even defense stations or sensor arrays) it uncovers all areas currently visible to the affected player for a short time. It is researched at the Covert-Ops Facility. The effect looks like this:

The Romulan Spy can be used while under cloak and does not trigger any notification to the affected player. Also Ships that are affected by it, do not react in any way (not even when under cloak themselves). The presence of the spy is however, noticeable by this symbol on its wire icon:

There is no countering it when used on stations, but the effect is temporary. When used on a ship, the effect is permanent, but can be lifted by sending the affected ship to any yard for repair.

Property Value
Range 300
Build Time 32 s
Supply Cost 10 (18.8/min)
Dilithium Cost 160 (5.0/s)
Special Energy Cost 400
Duration 45 s/permanent
Cool-Down 4 s

An active Corbomite Reflector has no effect on this special weapon. Neither does the Shield Remodulation. The Phase Cloak does protect from it.

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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/romulan_spy.1648757772.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-03-31-22-16 by 7saturn

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