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Armada 1 Phase Cloak

The Phase Cloak is an idea taken from an episode of the TV show Star Trek: The Next Generation. In addition to the normal cloaking effect (making a ship invisible to conventional sensors) a ship with active Phase Cloak can pass solid objects. Once the Phase Cloak is turned off, the ship returns to its normal behavior, possibly being moved to a position, that is not occupied by an object. It is researched at the Tal Shiar Facility. The Phase Cloak being used looks like this:

Be aware that when coming to close to a Black Hole, the ship gets destroyed (just as if it were sucked in). Other map objects have no effect on it (not obstructive, nor damaging). Also know that no boarding beam ins are possible. While the phase cloaked ship can be made visible with the Tachyon Detection Grid however, as long as the Phase Cloak is active, the ship cannot be targeted. This also means indirect weapons, not targeted specifically at this ship (e.g. the Rift Creator).

Property Value
Build Time 140 s
Supply Cost 10 (4.3/min)
Dilithium Cost 525 (3.8/s)
Special Energy Cost 200 + 15/s

While active, the Phase Cloak protects against any kind of attack, excluding Temporal Stasis Field.

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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/phase_cloak.1648757770.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-03-31-22-16 by 7saturn

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