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Armada 1 Mother Entity

The Mother Entity is Species 9341's pendant of a Starbase and a Tier 1 Yards. It produces Entities on a very high rate. It has no other defensive properties, although this was probably never the intention (see the campaign bug in the Extermination mission on the matter). This station cannot be built by conventional means, as there is no constructor for this faction. It is only part of the single-player campaign and may be part of custom maps.

Statistical Values

Faction Species 9341
Dilithium Cost 800 (10/s)
Build Time 80 s
Crew Cost 0
Supply Cost/Gain 0
Shield Energy 1000
Shield Restoration Rate 5/s
Weapon System -
Effective Damage Rate -
Scanning Range 500

Production Capabilities

Item Dilithium Supply Crew
Entity 2/s 0 0
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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/mother_entity.1651395356.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-05-01-10-55 by 7saturn

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