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Armada 1 Map Objects

Many objects on maps of the game Star Trek: Armada have considerable influence on the player's units and stations. Here is a description of the most important objects.


There are five different nebulae with different effects on your ships. All of them slow your ships down, however the intensity depends on their type.

Depiction Name Effect
Cerulean Nebula Shields and weapon systems are inactive, units inside are hidden from outside scans, Slowdown is by 30%.
Metaphasic Nebula Increases shield energy, repairs ships systems. Slows down ships by 10%.
Metreon Gas Nebula Decreases shields, damages ships systems after there failure until total destruction of the unit. Slows ships down by 40%.
Mutara Nebula Renders sensors and shields inoperative, hides units inside from outside scans. Slows down ships by 20%.
Radioactive Nebula Deactivates life support systems, so the crew slowly dies, until the ship is empty. Slows ships down by 30%.

Other Map Objects

Depiction Name Effect
Asteroid field Blocks the way, can only be overcome with worm holes, Phase Cloaks or Transwarp Gates. There are two variations of it, the stationary and the mobile version. The mobile version has asteroid belts moving on fix paths, often with small gaps to have a chance of getting through.
Black hole Ships without active propulsion systems (damaged, deactivated by special weapon, empty ship) which are too close to their gravity wells are sucked in and destroyed. Ships with active Phase Cloak can get destroyed if they get to close to it.
Dilithium moon Primary source of dilithium, besides captured and own ships. Starting amount of dilithium is 20.000 units.
Infinite dilithium moon Same as dilithium moon but holding infinite resources.
Ferengi Not actually map objects, but in multiplayer not part of a real faction. When a ship is adrift (no crew, damaged/deactivated propulsion) the Ferengi will attempt to steal the ship (salvage). If they succeed in getting to the border of the map, the ship is lost.
Planets Planets are depicted by big planet like graphics in the background of the game grid. Star bases placed in their vicinity increase crew faster than usual. If this is the case can be seen by a blue instead of green representation when placing a new star base on the map.
Wormhole closed This is the closed depiction of a worm hole. There is always a pair of worm holes, never one alone. One side is connected to the other side of each pair. Allows ships to travel to the second one, when sent into the first. During a short period of time while traveling through a worm hole, ships cannot be commanded.
Wormhole opened This representation is used, while a ship is traveling through the worm hole pair. The depiction is the same on both ends.
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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/map_objects.1648835841.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-01-19-57 by 7saturn

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