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Armada 1 Defiant

The Defiant type ship of the game Star Trek Armada is the Federation's destroyer. It is build by the Shipyard. It can be enhanced with Anti-Matter Mines. It's shield and weapon strength but it between the Borg on the one hand and the Klingons and Romulans on the other hand. It's damage ranges between 5.6 and 8, depending on its target. (Bigger ships are more likely to be hit.)

Faction Federation
Role Destroyer
Build Time 24 s
Dilithium Cost 200 (8.3/s)
Supply Cost 3 (7.5/min)
Crew Cost 80 (3.3/s)
Shields 150
Shield Recharge Rate 0.75/s
Conventional Weapon Systems Pulse Phaser X2
Effective Damage Rate 5.6 – 8/s
Max Special Weapon Energy 1000
Special Weapon Energy Recharge Rate 10/s
Special Abilities Anti-Matter Mines
Speed 100
Scanning Range 500
Possesses Cloak no
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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/defiant.1648845593.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-01-22-39 by 7saturn

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