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Armada 1 Akira

The Akira type ship of the game Star Trek Armada is the Federation's cruiser. It is build by the Shipyard. It can be enhanced with a Chain Reaction Pulsar boosting its damage output. It is the work horse of the tech 1 ships. It's stats place it somewhere between the Borg's and the other two factions cruisers

Faction Federation
Role Cruiser
Build Time 40 s
Dilithium Cost 400 (10/s)
Supply Cost 5 (7.5/min)
Crew Cost 200 (5/s)
Shields 300
Shield Recharge Rate 1.5/s
Conventional Weapon Systems Phaser Array X3
Effective Damage Rate 12/s
Max Special Weapon Energy 1000
Special Weapon Energy Recharge Rate 10/s
Special Abilities Chain Reaction Pulsar
Speed 80
Scanning Range 500
Possesses Cloak no
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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/akira.1648845593.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-01-22-39 by 7saturn

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