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en:gaming_theory:single-player [2022-04-01-23-39] – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation 7saturnen:gaming_theory:single-player [2022-04-02-10-13] (current) 7saturn
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 ====== Single-Player ====== ====== Single-Player ======
-When a game played does not involve another human, is usually considered a single-player. It is the opposite of [[multi-player]]. There are games that do not allow for any other kind of play (such as [[..:games:tetris]] or [[..:games:dungeons]]) while other games do not even include a single-player (early on [[..:games:counter-strike]] was such a game, as it did not feature any [[bot|bots]] in the beginning).+When a game played does not involve another human, is usually considered a single-player. It is the opposite of [[multi-player]]. There are games that do not allow for any other kind of play (such as [[..:games:Tetris]] or [[..:games:Dungeons]]) while other games do not even include a single-player (early on [[..:games:Counter-Strike]] was such a game, as it did not feature any [[bot|bots]] in the beginning).
-Single-player does not automatically mean the same as "single-player campaign". Playing only against bots in multiplayer settings can also be considered single-player but is not referred to as a [[campaign]].+Single-player does not automatically mean the same as "single-player campaign". Playing only against bots in multiplayer settings can also be considered single-player but is not referred to as a [[..:gaming theory:campaign]].
-[ [[..:games:games_database]] ] [ [[..:games:game_related_terms]] ]+[ [[..:Games Database]] ] [ [[..:Game Related Terms]] ]
en/gaming_theory/single-player.1648849163.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-01-23-39 by 7saturn

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