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en:games:star_trek_armada_1:shield_inversion_beam [2022-03-31-21-46] – ↷ Page moved and renamed from en:games:armada_1_shield_inversion_beam to en:games:star_trek_armada_1:shield_inversion_beam 7saturnen:games:star_trek_armada_1:shield_inversion_beam [2022-04-01-19-57] (current) – ↷ Links angepasst, weil Seiten im Wiki verschoben wurden 7saturn
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 ====== Armada 1 Shield Inversion Beam ====== ====== Armada 1 Shield Inversion Beam ======
-The Shield Inversion Beam is a special weapon of [[Star Trek Armada 1|Star Trek: Armada]], that drains opposing ship's shield energy and adds it to the inflicting ship. It essentially steals shield energy. Once it is cast onto an opposing ship, it continues until either turned off by the player, the target runs out of shield energy or the casting ship runs out of special weapon energy. It is researched at the [[Armada 1 Covert-Ops Facility|Covert-Ops Facility]]. While draining a ship, the casting ship can continue to attack another ship with conventional weapons simultaneously (but only one target at a time). It looks like this:+The Shield Inversion Beam is a special weapon of [[..:star_trek_-_armada_1|Star Trek: Armada]], that drains opposing ship's shield energy and adds it to the inflicting ship. It essentially steals shield energy. Once it is cast onto an opposing ship, it continues until either turned off by the player, the target runs out of shield energy or the casting ship runs out of special weapon energy. It is researched at the [[covert-ops_facility|Covert-Ops Facility]]. While draining a ship, the casting ship can continue to attack another ship with conventional weapons simultaneously (but only one target at a time). It looks like this:
-{{ :en:games:armada_1_shield_inversion_beam.gif?nolink |}}+{{ en:games:star_trek_armada_1:shield_inversion_beam.gif?nolink |}}
 ^  Property  ^  Value  ^ ^  Property  ^  Value  ^
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 The shield drain is 50 per second. So it lasts 10 seconds at most, taking 500 shields from the target at best. The shield drain is 50 per second. So it lasts 10 seconds at most, taking 500 shields from the target at best.
-An active [[Armada 1 Corbomite Reflector|Corbomite Reflector]] has no effect on this special weapon. The [[Armada 1 Shield Remodulation|Shield Remodulation]] prevents shield damage from it, but the attacker will still gain additional shield energy. This weapon cannot attack a ship currently using a [[Armada 1 Phase Cloak|Phase Cloak]].+An active [[corbomite_reflector|Corbomite Reflector]] has no effect on this special weapon. The [[shield_remodulation|Shield Remodulation]] prevents shield damage from it, but the attacker will still gain additional shield energy. This weapon cannot attack a ship currently using a [[phase_cloak|Phase Cloak]].
-This special weapon is also used by the [[Star Trek - Armada 1 Hero Ships|campaign ship Sela's Warbird]].+This special weapon is also used by the [[hero_ships|campaign ship Sela's Warbird]].
 There is a bug in //Star Trek: Armada//, that has the effect of not turning off this special weapon, even when not draining any ships any more. This means, the special energy is being wasted while not having any other effect. There is a bug in //Star Trek: Armada//, that has the effect of not turning off this special weapon, even when not draining any ships any more. This means, the special energy is being wasted while not having any other effect.
en/games/star_trek_armada_1/shield_inversion_beam.1648756018.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-03-31-21-46 by 7saturn

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