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en:games:star_trek_armada_1:caster [2022-03-31-22-35] – ↷ Links angepasst, weil Seiten im Wiki verschoben wurden 7saturnen:games:star_trek_armada_1:caster [2022-04-06-17-30] (current) 7saturn
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 ====== Armada 1 Caster ====== ====== Armada 1 Caster ======
-The game //Star Trek: Armada// has four kinds of ships, that can be considered a [[..:caster]]:+The game //Star Trek: Armada// has four kinds of ships, that can be considered a [[..:gaming theory:caster]]:
 ^  Depiction  ^  Name  ^ ^  Depiction  ^  Name  ^
-| {{ en:games:star_trek_armada_1:star_trek_armada_1_diamond.png?nolink&100 |}} | [[diamond|Diamond]] | +| {{ en:games:star_trek_armada_1:diamond.png?nolink&100 |}} | [[Diamond]] | 
-| {{ en:games:star_trek_armada_1:armada_1_nebula.png?nolink&100 |}} | [[nebula|Nebula]] | +| {{ en:games:star_trek_armada_1:nebula.png?nolink&100 |}} | [[Nebula]] | 
-| {{ en:games:star_trek_armada_1:star_trek_armada_1_fek_lhr.png?nolink&100 |}} | [[fek_lhr|Fek'lhr]] | +| {{ en:games:star_trek_armada_1:fek_lhr.png?nolink&100 |}} | [[fek_lhr|Fek'lhr]] | 
-| {{ en:games:star_trek_armada_1:star_trek_armada_1_shadow.png?nolink&100 |}} | [[shadow|Shadow]] |+| {{ en:games:star_trek_armada_1:shadow.png?nolink&100 |}} | [[Shadow]] |
-These ships are generally slowly moving, have low shield energy and very limited firepower. However, their four [[special_weapons|special weapons]] make them very dangerous/useful, nevertheless.+These ships are generally slowly moving, have low shield energy and very limited firepower. However, their four [[special_weapons]] make them very dangerous/useful, nevertheless.
-They are rather expensive in comparison to other ships and are especially good at supplementing other units or negating an opponent's offensive capabilities. As such they require often more [[..:micro_management]] than other units.+They are rather expensive in comparison to other ships and are especially good at supplementing other units or negating an opponent's offensive capabilities. As such they require often more [[..:gaming_theory:Micro Management]] than other units.
-Depending on the used [[..:star_trek_-_armada_1#Techtrees|Techtree]] the ship may not be available at all, may require research to be done for each special weapon or may come fully equipped, once produced.+Depending on the used [[setting_up_matches#Techtrees|Techtree]] the ship may not be available at all, may require research to be done for each special weapon or may come fully equipped, once produced.
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en/games/star_trek_armada_1/caster.1648758939.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-03-31-22-35 by 7saturn

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